Friday, July 4, 2014

Daisy Jane by America

Daisy Jane

I'm pretty sure everyone who was a teenager 39 years ago remembers this laid-back melody drifting soothingly from the radio during the summer and fall of 1975. Gerry Buckley penned this pretty, laid back piano ballad about a guy returning to Memphis to hopefully reestablish this relationship with his girlfriend. It was the second piano ballad that Gerry Beckley penned for the group, and had the same style as 'I Need You...a really strong, lovely piano backing up Gerry's vocals, set to a pretty, flowing melody that just put you at ease and made you relax from that first note.

Ever wondered who Daisy Jane was written about?...If you're an America Fan, sure ya have! Fans have for decades tried to figure out who Daisy Jane actually wast, even though Gerry has made it clear that, Like Sister Golden Hair, Daisy Jane wasn't written about anyone in particular.

Daisy Jane was the second single off of Hearts, debuting on The Hot 100 on July 19th, 1975, just as Sister Golden Hair was fading from the chart. It barely cracked the top 20, snagging the 20-spot eleven weeks after it's debut, and dropping off the charts completely two weeks later. I've always thought that this was somewhat of an unsung hit, because that single week at #20 does not reflect anything about the quality of the song, (I mean it is America that performed it after all!).

This was also the last Top-20 hit that the band would score with the original three members...they wouldn't, in fact, see the Top-20 again for seven years. And the group wouldn't be intact as a trio for but two more years...Dan Peek would leave the group in 1977.

Daisy Jane got got heavy airplay during the late summer and early fall of '75, and you could hear it on Oldies stations up until a few years ago, when it seems to have almost disappeared from the Oldies station play lists. Oh, you'll still hear it once in a while, but it's one of those songs that you can never hear too often. It's a pretty, thoughtful ballad that, for about 3 minutes, seems to take the weight off of you and lets you relax for a bit...and it's kind of become America's forgotten hit.

So Enjoy...Daisy Jane, by America.

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