Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sister Golden Hair by America

Sister Golden Hair

If you asked anyone who grew up in the Seventies to name three songs by America, I can just about bet money that this one will be on the list...everyone remembers it, and everyone pretty much loved it. Sister Golden Hair was penned by Gerry Beckley, and the concept is pretty simple...some poor guy trying to persuade his beloved and betrothed to forgive him for backing out of their wedding and skipping out of town.

Gerry Beckley had a completely different writing style from Dewey Bunnell...while Dewey thrived on cryptic lyrics and lots of poetic license in his song writing, Gerry's lyrics were simpler...he noted that Sister Golden Hair was the first time he ever used 'Ain't' in a song, because it just sounded right, and as for who the song was for, he said that was poetic license. Of course people still try to analyze Gerry Beckley's lyrics...take a look over at their Songfacts page and you'll find few real facts, and 62 comments, a good percentage of which try to do just that. These learned analysts cover a broad range of topics. Nuns are mentioned. As is the concept of carpets and drapes matching.

Like teenagers listening to music since time eternal, I dare say we really didn't give a whole lot of thought to what the song meant...we just knew we really liked the sound, and what's not to like about Sister Golden Hair? From that that classic 70s synthesizer backed guitar at the beginning to the high energy, upbeat rhythm to that kickin' drum to the subtle nod to early 'Do-wop', this, IMHO, was America at their very best. It was an awesome, catchy, up-beat, up-tempo Summer tune that was meant to be cranked up while you were hanging out with your friends at the hang-out of choice.

Sister Golden Hair was the Tail End Charlie of their second Top-10 hat trick, and they took it to #1 eleven weeks after it's April 5th, 75 debut on the Hot 100. It snagged the top spot on June 14th, '75 the week after I graduated from high school, so I can just about bet we heard it multiple times while heading down 460 towards Va beach, enroute to 'Beach Week'. Though FM was rapidly overtaking it, AM Top 40 radio was still the mobile music venue of the day, so we probably switched the dial from WLEE's 1480 to 'WGH's 1310 somewhere around Waverly or Wakefield.

It was all over the radio that summer, and you can still hear it pretty regularly on Oldies stations. It's timeless, and takes a whole lot of people back to a summer that made a lot of memories, and put smiles on a whole lot of faces whenever that classic intro cranks up. And when it will sing along to when you hear it...Ya know ya do!

It's well remembered, well loved, and a whole lot of peoples favorite song.

So Enjoy! Sister Golden Hair, by America.

Three bonus vids for this one...First, same classic arrangement, with lyrics

Bonus Numero Dos..., a live performance of Sister Golden Hair from 1975. Not sure where this was, but man, it was awesome!

And for the third bonus...Gerry Buckley and Dewey Bunnell showin' that they still got it...Sister Golden Hair live, thirty years later, in 2005.

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